Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

VB-C50inetwork camera - satisfying full-scale surveillance needs


Superior magnification: Optical 26x & Digital 12x Zoom
The VB-C50i features a Genuine Canon zoom lens with 26x zoom, the highest optical zoom magnification as a PTZ camera. This high magnification makes the VB-C50i the perfect choice for monitoring large facilities. In addition, up to 12x digital zoom allows shooting of wider ranges.

Available to shoot video with Night Mode even in darkness
Equipped with a large-diameter lens and highly sensitive CCD, VB-C50i offers a perfect solution for monitoring even in the dark with the minimum subject illumination of 1 lux. The Night Mode*¹ enables the VB-C50i to be used as an infrared camera, and besides, shooting under 0 lux becomes available using a built-in infrared light*² installed next to the lens.

*¹ With Night Mode, the images photographed are in black and white.
*² The effective lighting range of the infrared light is approx. 3m (9.8ft). When using in a dome housing with the VB-C50i, the infrared light cannot be used.

Motion detection and auto tracking features available
The VB-C50i features “Motion Detection” which performs recording by detecting changes in images caused by motion of people or objects in up to 4 detection areas. It can also automatically track a moving object adjusting the pan and tilt angles of the camera.

Images of Auto Tracking

Enhanced monitoring with interactive audio transmission
Using the optional Multi-Terminal Module VB-EX50, live audio data can be sent over the network to the scene of the camera. Users can talk into a microphone connected to their PC and have themselves heard through a powered speaker connected to the camera (through Admin Viewer only). Besides, it is also possible to receive audio* from a microphone connected to the camera (via the Admin Viewer or the Viewer for PC).

*Features related to audio input are only available with two particular models of the VB-C50i. Please refer here for details.

Audio Output Capability

Monitoring personnel can talk into a microphone connected to their PC and have themselves heard through powered speakers connected to the Multi-Terminal Module VB-EX50.

Audio Input Capability

*Features related to audio input are only available with two particular models of the VB-C50i. Please refer here for details.
With the optional Multi-Terminal Module VB-EX50, a microphone can be connected to the camera to allow remote viewers to hear what's happening at the camera site. Viewers can receive audio along with captured video images using a speaker-equipped PC. This feature is useful for applications such as video conferencing, customer service monitoring, event webcasting, and more.

Audio Playback
When used with the optional Multi-Terminal Module VB-EX50, the camera's audio output capability also allows a pre-selected audio file to be played at a scheduled time or when triggered by a camera event such as motion detection.

Available to “Preset” camera angles and perform “Preset Tour”
The VB-C50i is capable of registering up to 20 camera angles and zoom positions as presets so that users can easily and quickly see specific points they wish to confirm. In addition, it offers efficient monitoring with “Preset Tour” which is a feature showing configured preset positions at set intervals.

Up to 20 preset positions available
A preset position is composed of settings for pan, tilt and zoom. Up to 20 preset viewing angles can be programmed to enable smooth monitoring of a broad area. By using presets, viewers can quickly move the camera to check specific locations.

Preset Tour
A “tour” can be programmed so that the VB-C50i automatically moves from one preset viewing angle to another at specified intervals. A tour can be ongoing continuously or conducted only when needed.

Clear, smooth and high-quality video distribution
The VB-C50i allows high-quality and high frame rate video distribution with: 640 x 480 at 30fps for NTSC, 768 x 576 at 25fps for PAL. It is available to configure different image qualities and frame rates according to the network environment used.

Quick Pan, Tilt and Zoom movement for wide range
The VB-C50i provides images as you wish since it is capable of shooting a wide range of capture area at 1-90 degrees/sec. for Pan speed, 1-70 degrees/sec. for Tilt speed. The VB-C50i supports a pan angle of 200 degrees, 100 degrees each to the left and right and a tilt angle of 120 degrees; 90 degrees up and 30 degrees down.

Panorama Picture
A panorama is composed of multiple shots and displays a wide region of the VB-C50i's capture area. Viewers can use the panorama to choose the viewing angles and zoom by simply dragging a “scope” box over any area in the panorama window.

Multistreaming available
To better handle a diverse range of user needs such as surveillance via slow network connections or monitoring with mobile phones that screens are small, the VB-C50i is able to broadcast the same video in three different sizes.

Monitoring/Recording of multiple locations available with Network Video Recorder
Using the VB-C50i in combination with the optional product “Network Video Recorder VK-64 v1. 2”, video from up to 64 camera servers can be simultaneously recorded with a single Storage Server via IP Network.
Since a Viewer can connect to multiple Storage Servers, it is possible to collectively manage video images from camera servers beyond 64 units.

Privacy and rights not to be photographed
We request that sufficient consideration given to matters of privacy including audio data* and rights not to be photographed when operating and installing Canon Network Cameras.
*Features related to audio input are only available with two particular models of the VB-C50i. Please refer here for details.

System Configuration
Realtime images available by just connecting to the IP Network
VB-C50i allows you to view crystal-clear images in real time by just connecting to the IP Network. With the system you can enjoy live video from cameras and control camera angles installed at remote locations using the Web Browser or its original software – it greatly helps your business such as creating attractive web pages and establishing remote monitoring systems.

System Configuration using the Network Camera VB-C50i

*Video recipients can choose one of the following viewer software shown below to see video.
*Both viewer software can be downloaded free of charge.

Types and Functions of Viewer Software
Viewer for Java
Videos from the VB-C50i can be displayed by a Web Browser that can run Java applet
Because the Viewer for Java is automatically downloaded and does not need to be pre-installed, unlike the Viewer for PC, it is compatible with any platform that supports Java-capable environments
Because it uses the HTTP protocol, the Viewer for Java penetrates firewalls. However, it may not run stably on some platforms or browser types. Also, because the Viewer is downloaded when the Web pages loads, start-up times and execution speeds are slower than the Viewer for PC

Viewer for PC
An application for viewing videos from the VB-C50i that is launched from a Web Browser
Compared with the Viewer for Java, start-up is faster because the Viewer does not need to be downloaded. This Viewer is recommended for users who use the viewer frequently
Because it uses the HTTP protocol, the Viewer for PC penetrates firewalls
The Viewer for PC must be pre-installed
Install the Viewer for PC from the supplied CD-ROM
You can download the software free of charge from here

Binoculars 8x25IS

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Rabu, 13 Januari 2010


Virus komputer merupakan program komputer yang dapat menggandakan atau menyalin dirinya sendiri dan menyebar dengan cara menyisipkan salinan dirinya ke dalam program atau dokumen lain. Virus komputer dapat dianalogikan dengan virus biologis yang menyebar dengan cara menyisipkan dirinya sendiri ke sel makhluk hidup. Virus komputer dapat merusak (misalnya dengan merusak data pada dokumen), membuat pengguna komputer merasa terganggu, maupun tidak menimbulkan efek sama sekali.

Cara Kerja

Virus komputer umumnya dapat merusak perangkat lunak komputer dan tidak dapat secara langsung merusak perangkat keras komputer dengan cara memuat program yang memaksa over process ke perangkat tertentu misalnya VGA, Memory bahkan Procesor (terutama pada sistem operasi , seperti sistem operasi berbasis keluarga Windows (Windows 95, Windows 98/98SE, Windows NT, Windows NT Server, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003, Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Service Pack 1, Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 1 ) bahkan GNU/Linux. Efek negatif virus komputer terutama adalah memperbanyak dirinya sendiri, yang membuat sumber daya pada komputer (seperti CPU Real Time, penggunaan memori) menjadi berkurang secara signifikan. Hampir 95% Virus adalah virus komputer berbasis sistem operasi Windows. Sisanya, 2% menyerang Linux/GNU dengan versi kernel dibawah 1.4 (dan Unix, sebagai source dari Linux, tentunya), 1% menyerang Mac terutama Mac OS 9, Mac OS X (Tiger, Leopard). 2% lagi menyerang sistim operasi lain seperti FreeBSD, OS/2 IBM, dan Sun Operating System.

Jenis-jenis Virus Komputer

Virus komputer sendiri adalah sebuah istilah umum untuk menggambarkan segala jenis serangan terhadap komputer. Namun, bila dikategorikan dari cara kerjanya, virus komputer dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam kategori sebagai berikut:

  • Worm - merupakan program yang diam-diam menginstallkan dirinya ke dalam komputer ketika pengguna sedang membuka laman-laman tertentu di Internet.
  • Trojan - merupakan program yang menginjeksikan dirinya ke dalam sebuah program baik-baik, yang mengakibatkan Trojan tersebut aktif di memori ketika program inang tersebut dijalankan oleh pengguna.
  • Hacking - merupakan serangan langsung dari hacker terhadap komputer pengguna yang mengakses laman internet tertentu, dengan atau tanpa program bantuan yang telah disisipkan di komputer pengguna.
  • Backdoor - merupakan program pencuri data-data pribadi dari user, dan secara diam-diam mengirimkannya kepada sang pembuat virus.
  • Spyware, Malware, dan Adware - merupakan program yang didesain untuk menjejali komputer pengguna dengan promosi-promosi yang mengganggu.
  • Rogue dan Ransomware - merupakan program yang meniru program antivirus dan menampilkan aktivitas layaknya antivirus normal, dan memberikan peringatan-peringatan palsu tentang adanya virus. Tujuannya adalah agar pengguna membeli dan mengaktivasi program antivirus palsu itu dan mendatangkan uang bagi pembuat virus rogue tersebut.
  • Virus Telepon Seluler - merupakan virus yang khusus berjalan di telepon seluler, dan dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam efek, mulai dari merusak telepon seluler, mencuri data-data di dalam telepon seluler, sampai membuat panggilan-panggilan diam-diam dan menghabiskan pulsa pengguna telepon seluler.

Cara Mengatasi Virus Komputer

Serangan virus dapat dicegah atau ditanggulangi dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak antivirus. Jenis perangkat lunak ini dapat juga mendeteksi dan menghapus virus komputer, asalkan basis data virus komputer yang dimiliki oleh perangkat lunak antivirus telah mengandung kode untuk menghapus virus tersebut.

Contoh antivirus yang bisa diandalkan dan menangkal virus adalah Kaspersky, Panda, Sophos, Symantec, Bit Defender, Ansav, SmadAV, AVG, AntiVir, PCMAV, Norton, Norman, McAfee, dan lain sebagainya.

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